The Mission
The mission of Bethel Baptist Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: to go and make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Vision
The vision of Bethel Baptist Church is to create a community of authentic believers who imitate Christ's relationship with God, God's people, and God's mission.

Our relationship with God
Our relationship with God
Establish a foundation and pattern of regular, collective prayer that leads to greater intimacy with God.
Establish a foundation and pattern of regular, collective prayer that leads to greater intimacy with God.
Strengthen and train individuals to read and interpret Scripture in order to grow in our walk with God.
Strengthen and train individuals to read and interpret Scripture in order to grow in our walk with God.
Practice and renew biblical rest, silence, and solitude in contrast to the pace of our culture.
Practice and renew biblical rest, silence, and solitude in contrast to the pace of our culture.

Our relationship with God's People
Equip and train a new generation of leaders while encouraging and developing existing leaders.
Equip and train a new generation of leaders while encouraging and developing existing leaders.
Define and offer opportunities for our larger body to gather for fellowship in smaller groups.
Define and offer opportunities for our larger body to gather for fellowship in smaller groups.
Implement a new approach to get plugged into serving, gathering, and worshipping with others in the church .
Implement a new approach to get plugged into serving, gathering, and worshipping with others in the church .

Our relationship with God's Mission
Increase Bethel’s visibility and invite people from our local community to join our mission using our facilities, ministries, and online presence.
Increase Bethel’s visibility and invite people from our local community to join our mission using our facilities, ministries, and online presence.
Embolden Bethel to move outside the walls and into our local community by providing personal training in disciple-making and opportunities to serve.
Embolden Bethel to move outside the walls and into our local community by providing personal training in disciple-making and opportunities to serve.
Inspire and support worldwide evangelism by sponsoring and training missionaries and inviting the church to join in short-term mission trips.
Inspire and support worldwide evangelism by sponsoring and training missionaries and inviting the church to join in short-term mission trips.